Patent-Pending Microbial Reduction Technology for Food Manufacturing
Making Food Safe for All.
A New Era of food safety
At Energis Solutions we are catapulting food safety to the next level with our innovative Energis Technology. Developed by leading pathogen control scientists our patent-pending technology combines chemistry and physics to generate water-based solutions that eliminate pathogens, prolong shelf-life, disinfect surfaces, and increase crop yield.
Energis technology transcends the shortcomings of current solutions by reducing toxicity and increasing efficacy. The wave of the future is here, and it is generated by Energis Solutions.
Our Vision
We are on a mission to create technologies that enable companies to take control of the uncontrollable, to prevent illness, reduce waste, make safer foods, and increase yield.
Industry Solutions
Food Pathogen Reduction
A customizable solution formulated to eliminate a wide spectrum of food-borne pathogens and mycotoxins.
Food Pathogen Reduction
A customizable solution formulated to eliminate a wide spectrum of food-borne pathogens and mycotoxins.
“A validated study showed Guardian, a pathogen reduction technology from Energis Solutions, Denver, performed at a 225% higher kill rate than acid-based solutions during the wheat tempering process. The Guardian technology did not leave chemical residuals or alter the functionality of wheat and flour (”